The Fashion

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The Fashion

What can we say about fashion.

As a rule, it’s the celebrities who impose a fashion. If a Hollywood celebrity shows up at an event in a pink dress, it is likely that millions of women will want to buy and wear the same dress or a similar one. In this way, it gradually builds into what becomes fashionable.

The Fashion

Fashion tends to be associated with what is related to the design and creation of clothing (ready-to-wear, etc.) and props and accessories. This sector is often referred to as the fashion industry, although few designers and designers are truly capable of launching a style.

Even if adopting a fashion is a voluntary act, people who prefer not to follow these codes end up being somehow estranged from society. Wearing something out of fashion is frowned upon and may be the subject of criticism or bad jokes.

It can be reflected in certain objects or visible aspects (clothes, hairstyles, shoes, etc.), but also in ways of being and in behaviors (listening to a certain style of music, attending certain restaurants, going on holidays to certain destinations).

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